Seeking Arrow
Equipped with a seeking arrow this unit can attack from long distances, there is no hiding from those magical missiles.

Target: Enemy Unit
Type: Ranged Attack
Attack Range: 3

Well Trained
Well Trained are the units that are chosen for battle. In the heat of battle they remember their teachings well. A unit activating this Mythos will perform an attack with better accuracy.

Target: Enemy Unit
Attack: +15

Hold the line
Hold the line will make sure your units will not perish from the battlefield that easily. They will have a bonus to their defense till the end of their next activation.

Target: Adjacent Ally Units
Info: Gain Fortify

Pinning Shot
Pinning shot will make sure the opponent's unit is not going anywhere. A successful attack with this Mythos will prevent the target from moving the next turn.

Target: Enemy Unit
Target Move Range: 0

Dual Wield
Dual Wields allows to attack with multiple weapons at lightning speed. The unfortunate target will suffer double damage when hit.

Target: Enemy Unit
Damage: x2

Piercing Throw
Piercing Throw will let you throw a spear with a devastating force. It can reach a target up to 2 hexes away with better accuracy and dealing extra damage to the target.

Target: Enemy Unit
Type: Spear Attack
Attack Range: 2
Attack: +25
Damage: +5

A true horse master can convince his mount to great feats. When they align they can go where-ever they please.

Target: Self
Move Range: +2

Divine Stamina
Blessed by the gods with a divine stamina this unit will withstand enormous amounts of damage making him almost impossible to take down.

Target: Self
Info: non-ranged type damage ÷2

Spear Thrust
A well placed thrust of the long spear will push back any adversary and will be a key instrument to gain tactical control on the battlefield.

Target: Adjacent Enemy Unit
Info: Push target 1 mapTile + move to target mapTile

Battle Cry
Battle Cry will inspire surrounding troops, making them better fighters for a limited time. It will give them a boost to attack and defense till the end of their next activation.

Target: All Adjacent Ally Units
Attack: +15
Defense: +15

Well Trained
Well Trained are the units that are chosen for battle. In the heat of battle they remember their teachings well. A unit activating this Mythos will perform an attack with better accuracy.

Target: Enemy Unit
Attack: +15

Piercing Ammo
Piercing Ammo penetrates the strongest armor. When using this Mythos, the unit will shoot a special arrow with better accuracy and damage.

Target: Enemy Unit
Type: Ranged Attack
Attack Range: 2
Attack: +15
Damage: +5

Bodyguard will protect a weak unit from being attacked, the unit using this skill will become the target of the attack, this will be active till his next activation. It’s perfect for protecting units holding objectives or units that are low on life points.

Target: Adjacent Ally Unit
Info: Deflects target damage to self